2021年成都安全教育平台 (2021年成都中考英语试卷及答案)

成都洗浴 06-17 阅读:40 评论:0
2021年成都安全教育平台 (2021年成都中考英语试卷及答案)


I. 阅读理解(35分)A. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(15分)Passage 1Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Jack. He lived in a small village with his mother. Jack's mother was poor, and she had to work hard to support their family.One day, Jack's mother told him to go to the market to sell their cow. She told him to get as much money as he could for it.Jack took thecow to the market, but he didn't sell it for money. Instead, he traded it for some magic beans.When Jack's mother saw the beans, she was furious. She thought that Jack was foolish for trading their cow for some beans."You are a stupid boy!" she exclaimed. "Now we have no money and no cow."Jack was upset that his mother was angry with him, but he didn't know what to do. He went to his room and went to bed.The next morning, Jack woke up to find a giant beanstalk growing in his backyard. He climbed up the beanstalk and found himself in a giant's castle.In the castle, Jack found a lot of treasure. He filled his pockets with gold and silver and returned home.Jack's mother was amazed when she saw all the treasure that Jack had brought home. She was no longer angry with him for trading their cow for the beans.1. Why did Jack's mother ask him to go to the market?(A) To sell their cow(B) To buy some beans(C) To play with other children(D) To help her with the housework2. What did Jack trade the cow for?(A) Money(B) Beans(C) A new house(D) A giant beanstalk3. How did Jack's mother react when she saw the beans?(A) She was happy.(B) She was angry.(C) She was surprised.(D) She was indifferent.4. Where did Jack find the treasure?(A) In his backyard(B) In the market(C) In the giant's castle(D) Under his bed5. Why was Jack's mother no longer angry with him?(A) She realized that the beans were magic.(B) She saw how much treasure Jack had brought home.(C) She was tired of being angry.(D) She had forgotten about the beans.B. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列句子。(10分)Passage 2In 2010, the United Nations launched a global campaign called "Every Child Counts" to improve the lives of children around the world. The campaign focuses on five key areas: education, health, nutrition, water and sanitation, and protection.The campaign has made significant progress in these areas. For example, the number of children enrolled in primary school has increased by 40% since 2000. The number of children who die before their fifth birthday has decreased by 40% since 1990.However, thereis still much work to be done. Millions of children around the world are still denied their basic rights to education, health care, and a safe environment.The "Every Child Counts" campaign is a reminder that we must continue to work to improve the lives of all children, no matter where they live.6. The "Every Child Counts" campaign was launched in __________.7. The campaign focuses on __________.8. The number of children enrolled in primary school has increased by __________.9. The number of children who die before their fifth birthday has decreased by __________.10.The campaign reminds us that we must continue to work to improve the lives of all __________.C. 阅读下面短文,判断下列说法是否正确。(10分)Passage 3The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous and iconic landmarks in the world. It was built over many centuries by different Chinese dynasties to protect the country from invaders.The Great Wall is actually a series of walls and fortifications that stretch for thousands of kilometers across northern China. It is made of stone, brick, and rammed earth.The Great Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a symbol of China's rich history and culture.11. The Great Wall of China was built to protect the country from invaders.12. The Great Wall is a single wall that stretches across northern China.13. The Great Wall is made of wood.14. The Great Wall is not a UNESCO World Heritage Site.15. The Great Wall is a symbol of China's poor history and culture.II. 完型填空(15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,使短文意思完整。(15分)One day, I was walking through the forest when I came across a young deer. The deer was lying on the ground, and it appeared to be injured. Iapproached the deer cautiously, and I noticed that it had a deep cut on its leg.I knew that I needed to help the deer, but I didn't know what to do. I had never cared for an injured animal before.Just then, I remembered a story that I had read about a woman who had used honey to heal a wound on her dog. I had never tried using honey on a wound before, but I decided to give it a try.I took out my pocket knife and cleaned the wound with some water. Then, I applied a thick layer of honey to the wound.The deer seemed to be in less pain after I applied the honey. I watched over the deer for a few minutes, and I was relieved to see that the bleeding had stopped.I left the deer in the forest, and I went home to get some more honey. I returned to the forest the next day, and Iwas happy to see that the wound was healing well. I continued to apply honey to the wound for the next few days, and the wound eventually healed completely.I was so glad that I had been able to help the deer. I had learned a valuable lesson that day: even if you don't know what to do, you can always try to help someone
